
20 December 2023

Report: Gaudete Sunday & Pre-Christmas Luncheon - 2023

On Gaudete Sunday, 17 December 2023, Fr. Michael Roche offered Solemn Mass at St. Titus Church in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania.

After Mass, a pre-Christmas luncheon was served in the church hall, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Woodlawn Council 2161 Traditional Latin Mass Guild.

Fr. Canice McMullen, OSB, Pastor of Mary, Queen of Saints Parish, spoke about the future of the Latin Mass at St. Titus Church,

There was a drawing for door prizes.

19 December 2023

2023 Seminarian Scholarship Grants

The Knights of Columbus Woodlawn Council 2161 announces the award of the following seminarian scholarship grants:

$2,000 to David Prezzia, member of Woodlawn Council 2161, Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter; and

$500 to Caleb Huemiller, Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.

To date, Woodlawn Council has awarded $17,500 to traditional seminarians studying with the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter or the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.

28 November 2023

Up-Coming Latin Masses & Pre-Christmas Luncheon - December 2023

Traditional Latin Mass
St. Titus Church
952 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa PA 15001

Holy Rosary & Confessions begin 30 minutes before Mass.

First Friday
1 December 2023, 7:00 PM
Offered in reparation for sins committed against the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts.
Sacred Heart devotions after Mass.
Celebrant: Fr. Peter Gruber, CO

Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday)
17 December 2023, 2:00 PM
Solemn High Mass
Celebrant: Fr. Michael Roche

Pre-Christmas Luncheon
Sunday, 17 December 2023
Immediately after the 3rd Sunday Latin Mass in the church hall.

Fr. Canice McMullen, OSB, Pastor of Mary, Queen of Saints Parish, will speak about the future of the Latin Mass at St. Titus Church.  Everyone with an interest in the Latin Mass at St. Titus is encouraged to attend this luncheon.

Luncheon Cost: $25/each
Children 6-12 years: $14/each
Children 5 years and younger: Free

A catered main dish, salad & drinks will be provided.  You are encouraged to bring a covered dish, side dish, or dessert to share.

Prepaid Reservations Required
For Luncheon Reservations Make Check Payable and Mail to:
Knights of Columbus 2161
2335 Concord Street, Aliquippa PA 15001
Deadline for Paid Luncheon Reservations: 11 December 2023

Luncheon Sponsored By:
Knights of Columbus
Woodlawn Council 2161
+ + + + +

By order of Bishop David A. Zubik, Traditional Latin Masses at St. Titus Church are restricted to First Fridays at 7pm, and the 3rd Sunday of the month at 2pm.  Also by order of Bishop Zubik, no Latin Mass at St. Titus Church on Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, or Pentecost Sunday, and no Traditional Latin baptisms, weddings, or funerals are permitted at St. Titus Church.

By order of Archabbot Matin de Porres Bartel, OSB, no Benedictine priest currently assigned to Mary, Queen of Saints Parish has his permission to offer the Traditional Latin Mass.

23 October 2023

Pre-Christmas Luncheon - 17 December 2023 - Address by the Pastor Regarding the Latin Mass

Pre-Christmas Luncheon
Sunday, 17 December 2023
Immediately after the 3rd Sunday Latin Mass in the church hall.

Fr. Canice McMullen, OSB, Pastor of Mary, Queen of Saints Parish, will speak about the future of the Latin Mass at St. Titus Church.  Everyone with an interest in the Latin Mass at St. Titus is encouraged to attend this luncheon.

Luncheon Cost: $25/each
Children 6-12 years: $14/each
Children 5 years and younger: Free

A catered main dish, salad & drinks will be provided.  You are encouraged to bring a covered dish, side dish, or dessert to share.

Prepaid Reservations Required
For Luncheon Reservations Make Check Payable and Mail to:
Knights of Columbus 2161
2335 Concord Street, Aliquippa PA 15001
Deadline for Paid Luncheon Reservations: 11 December 2023

Luncheon Sponsored By:
Knights of Columbus
Woodlawn Council 2161

22 October 2023

Up-Coming Latin Masses - November 2023

Traditional Latin Mass
St. Titus Church
952 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa PA 15001

Holy Rosary & Confessions begin 30 minutes before Mass.

First Friday
3 November 2023, 7:00 PM
Offered in reparation for sins committed against the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts.
Sacred Heart devotions after Mass.
Celebrant: Fr. Louis F. Vallone

Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
(Mass of the Sixth Sunday after Epiphany)
19 November 2023, 2:00 PM
Celebrant: Fr. Michael Roche

+ + + + +

By order of Bishop David A. Zubik, Traditional Latin Masses at St. Titus Church are restricted to First Fridays at 7pm, and the 3rd Sunday of the month at 2pm.  Also by order of Bishop Zubik, no Latin Mass at St. Titus Church on Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, or Pentecost Sunday, and no Traditional Latin baptisms, weddings, or funerals are permitted at St. Titus Church.

By order of Archabbot Matin de Porres Bartel, OSB, no Benedictine priest currently assigned to Mary, Queen of Saints Parish has his permission to offer the Traditional Latin Mass.

25 September 2023

Up-Coming Latin Masses - October 2023

St. Edward, King and Confessor

Traditional Latin Mass
St. Titus Church
952 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa PA 15001

Holy Rosary & Confessions begin 30 minutes before Mass.

First Friday
6 October 2023, 7:00 PM
Offered in reparation for sins committed against the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts.
Sacred Heart devotions after Mass.
Celebrant: Fr. Michael Roche

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
15 October 2023, 2:00 PM
Celebrant: Fr. Adam Potter

+ + + + +

By order of Bishop David A. Zubik, Traditional Latin Masses at St. Titus Church are restricted to First Fridays at 7pm, and the 3rd Sunday of the month at 2pm.  Also by order of Bishop Zubik, no Latin Mass at St. Titus Church on Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, or Pentecost Sunday, and no Traditional Latin baptisms, weddings, or funerals are permitted at St. Titus Church.

By order of Archabbot Matin de Porres Bartel, OSB, no Benedictine priest currently assigned to Mary, Queen of Saints Parish has his permission to offer the Traditional Latin Mass.

27 August 2023

Up-Coming Latin Masses - September 2023

The Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary
by Gioto, in the Scrovegni Chapel
Padua, Italy (c. 1305)

Traditional Latin Mass
St. Titus Church
952 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa PA 15001

Holy Rosary & Confessions begin 30 minutes before Mass.

First Friday
1 September 2023, 7:00 PM - Mass cancelled due to lack of celebrant.
Offered in reparation for sins committed against the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts.
Sacred Heart devotions after Mass.
Celebrant: TBA

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
17 September 2023, 2:00 PM
Solemn High Mass
Celebrant: Fr. Michael Roche
(N.B. Due to the distance that Fr. Roche needs to travel from his current assignment to St. Titus, confessions may not be available before Mass.  Please plan accordingly.)

+ + + + +

By order of Bishop David A. Zubik, Traditional Latin Masses at St. Titus Church are restricted to First Fridays at 7pm, and the 3rd Sunday of the month at 2pm.  Also by order of Bishop Zubik, no Latin Mass at St. Titus Church on Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, or Pentecost Sunday, and no Traditional Latin baptisms, weddings, or funerals are permitted at St. Titus Church.

By order of Archabbot Matin de Porres Bartel, OSB, no Benedictine priest currently assigned to Mary, Queen of Saints Parish has his permission to offer the Traditional Latin Mass.

21 July 2023

Up-Coming Latin Masses - August 2023

Traditional Latin Mass
St. Titus Church
952 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa PA 15001

Holy Rosary & Confessions begin 30 minutes before Mass.

First Friday
4 August 2023, 7:00 PM
Offered in reparation for sins committed against the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts.
Sacred Heart devotions after Mass.
Celebrant: Fr. Adam Potter

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
20 August 2023, 2:00 PM
Solemn High Mass
Celebrant: Fr. Michael Roche

+ + + + +

By order of Bishop David A. Zubik, Traditional Latin Masses at St. Titus Church are restricted to First Fridays at 7pm, and the 3rd Sunday of the month at 2pm.  Also by order of Bishop Zubik, no Latin Mass at St. Titus Church on Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, or Pentecost Sunday, and no Traditional Latin baptisms, weddings, or funerals are permitted at St. Titus Church.

24 June 2023

Up-Coming Latin Masses - July 2023

Traditional Latin Mass
St. Titus Church
952 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa PA 15001

Holy Rosary & Confessions begin 30 minutes before Mass.

First Friday
7 July 2023, 7:00 PM
Offered in reparation for sins committed against the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts.
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament & Sacred Heart devotions after Mass.
Celebrant: Fr. Ladis Cizik

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
16 July 2023, 2:00 PM
Celebrant: Fr. Adam Potter

+ + + + +

By order of Bishop David A. Zubik, Traditional Latin Masses at St. Titus Church are restricted to First Fridays at 7pm, and the 3rd Sunday of the month at 2pm.  Also by order of Bishop Zubik, no Latin Mass at St. Titus Church on Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, or Pentecost Sunday, and no Traditional Latin baptisms, weddings, or funerals are permitted at St. Titus Church.

27 May 2023

Up-Coming Latin Masses - June 2023

Traditional Latin Mass
St. Titus Church
952 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa PA 15001

Holy Rosary & Confessions begin 30 minutes before Mass.

First Friday
2 June 2023, 7:00 PM
Ember Friday
Offered in reparation for sins committed against the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts.
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament & Sacred Heart devotions after Mass.
Celebrant: Fr. Michael Roche

Third Sunday after Pentecost
18 June 2023, 2:00 PM
Celebrant: TBA

+ + + + +

By order of Bishop David A. Zubik, Traditional Latin Masses at St. Titus Church are restricted to First Fridays at 7pm, and the 3rd Sunday of the month at 2pm.  Also by order of Bishop Zubik, no Latin Mass at St. Titus Church on Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, or Pentecost Sunday, and no Traditional Latin Baptisms, weddings, or funerals are permitted at St. Titus Church.

22 April 2023

Up-Coming Latin Masses - May 2023

St. Pius V
Portrait by Bartolomeo Passarotti, c. 1566.

Traditional Latin Mass
St. Titus Church
952 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa PA 15001

Holy Rosary & Confessions begin 30 minutes before Mass.

First Friday
5 May 2023, 7:00 PM
Feast of St. Pius V
Offered in reparation for sins committed against the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts.
Sacred Heart devotions after Mass.
Celebrant: Fr. Adam Potter

Sunday after Ascension
21 May 2023, 2:00 PM
Solemn High Mass
Celebrant: Fr. Michael Roche

+ + + + +

By order of Bishop David A. Zubik, Traditional Latin Masses at St. Titus Church are restricted to First Fridays at 7pm, and the 3rd Sunday of the month at 2pm.  Also by order of Bishop Zubik, no Latin Mass at St. Titus Church on Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, or Pentecost Sunday, and no Traditional Latin Baptisms, weddings, or funerals are permitted at St. Titus Church.

17 April 2023

Report: Low Sunday - April 2023

On 16 April 2023, Fr. Michael Roche offered Solemn Mass for Low Sunday at St. Titus Church in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania.

28 March 2023

Up-Coming Latin Masses - April 2023

Resurrection of Christ
Giovanni Bellini, 1475-1479

Traditional Latin Mass
St. Titus Church
952 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa PA 15001

Holy Rosary & Confessions begin 30 minutes before Mass.

No Latin Mass on First Friday, 7 April 2023, Good Friday.

Easter Friday
14 April 2023, 7:00 PM
Low Mass
Offered in reparation for sins committed against the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts.
Celebrant: Fr. Michael Roche

Low Sunday
16 April 2023, 2:00 PM
Solemn High Mass
Celebrant: Fr. Michael Roche

+ + + + +

By order of Bishop David A. Zubik, Traditional Latin Masses at St. Titus Church are restricted to First Fridays at 7pm, and the 3rd Sunday of the month at 2pm.  Also by order of Bishop Zubik, no Latin Mass at St. Titus Church on Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, or Pentecost Sunday, and no Traditional Latin Baptisms, weddings, or funerals are permitted at St. Titus Church.

20 March 2023

Report: Laetare Sunday 2023

On 19 March 2023, Fr. Aleksandr Schrenk offered Solemn Mass for Laetare Sunday at St. Titus Church in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania.